(Lecture) 10/01 2017
5 - 9 pm
@ Hardenbergstr. 33, Hörsaal 158
Automated Participation and the Proof of Communication
Luciana Parisi
A workshop entitled “Data-synthesis and the end of design in computational architecture” will start at 5 pm. Luiana Parisi will talk about examples and implementation of algorithms in design.
The workshop will be followed by the lecture “Automated Participation and the Proof of Communication” starting at 8 pm in the auditorium (Hörsaal 158).
Data-oriented machine intelligence no longer relies on responsive feedback but involves the automated ability of knowing how to activate the learning functions of algorithms in order to obtain proof of communication. If what was simply feedback response has now become automated participation, it is because algorithmic rules have acquired the capacity to prove that communication needs no subject, content, or propositions. The talk will discuss the politics of machines in this 3rd order of cybernetic control.