The Research Center for Proxy Politics aims to explore and reflect upon the nature of medial networks and their actors, that is, machines and things as well as humans. The proxy, a decoy or surrogate, is today often used to designate a computer server acting as an intermediary for requests from clients. Originating in the Latin procurator, an agent representing others in a court of law, proxies are now emblematic of a post-representational political age, one increasingly populated by bot militias, puppet states, ghostwriters, and communication relays. During the period of the project (September 2014 to August 2017) the center will host a series of workshops at the Universität der Künste, Berlin, revolving around a wide range of relevant topics including the politics of digital networks, the political economy of crypto-currencies, the genealogy of networked thought, the mediality of physical landscapes and strategies of opacity. The center will also conduct material, experimental, investigations into the conception and construction of alternative networks, or alternets.

(Workshop) 20/01 2017  15:00-18:00 @ Raum 115

Virtualization of Reality in China

yi projectspace


A report from Beijing

Antonie Angerer and Anna Eschbach, founders and curators of I: project space in Beijing, will present
 their AR based book by publishing platform tria. The catalog “lin_ke” features video works by the artist Lin Ke. In close collaboration with designer Sonja Zagermann and the artist, the editors explored new possibilities for translating moving images into printed matter. The result is a book that can be constantly updated.
Besides presenting the interactive publication, Antonie and Anna will
 contextualize their experiment on closing the gap between the digital and the analog by taking us on a tour through the
 extended virtualities of the Chinternet (the Internet with Chinese characteristics).